

Lackierzentrum Reichenbach GmbH
Zwickauer Str. 225
08468 Reichenbach

Handelsregisternummer: HBR 17213

Amtsgericht Chemnitz

VAT-ID/ USt-ID: DE 202799117

Geschäftsführer: Sara Grasnick

In Erfüllung unserer gesetzlichen Verpflichtung aus § 37 des Gesetzes über die alternative Streitbeilegung in Verbrauchersachen (VSBG) weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass wir weder verpflichtet, noch bereit sind, an alternativen Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor Verbraucherschlichtungsstellen teilzunehmen. Dennoch verlangt das Gesetz, dass wir Sie rein informatorisch auf eine für Sie zuständige Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle hinweisen:

Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e. V.
Straßburger Str. 8
77694 Kehl



Verantwortlicher im Sinne des Presserechts: Sara Grasnick

Fotorechte: Stefan Okolo Fromme, Leipzig


Ab dem 01.06.2024 gelten unsere geänderten AGB (Allgemeine Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen).

Legal Information

LZR stands for

Lackierzentrum Reichenbach GmbH
Zwickauer Straße 225
08468 Reichenbach


CEO: Sara Grasnick, MBA
CEO: Gerold Zeidler, Master craftsman Cars

Telefon: 0049-3765 / 3090850

Commercial register number: HBR 17213

VAT-ID: DE 202799117

District Court: Chemnitz, Germany

CMS, SEO und Onlinemarketing powered by Grasbauer UG
Bosestr. 5, 04109 Leipzig
tel. 0173 570 16 87


 Since 15.08.2011 our new Terms and Conditions apply.

AGB 01.01.2008 [372.1KB/pdf]
AGB 10.01.2010 [371.4KB/pdf]
AGB 15.08.2011 [372.0KB/pdf]

Privacy Statement

Thank you for your interest in our online presence. The protection of your personal information is very important to us. At this point we would like to inform you about the privacy of our company. Naturally, we comply with the statutory provisions of the Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG) and other data protection regulations.

In your personal data, you can trust us! They are encrypted through digital security systems and transmitted to us. Our websites are protected by technical measures against damage, destruction, or unauthorized access.


Subject of data protection

The subject of data protection is personal data. These are according to § 3 para 1 BDSG particulars about personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes eg information such as name, postal address, email address or telephone number, and if applicable also usage data such as your IP address.


Scope of data collection and storage

In general, it is not necessary for use of our website that you provide personal information. But so that we can actually provide our services, we may need your personal data. This applies to the sending of information or goods ordered and also to answer individual queries.

If you ask us to provide a service or the sending of goods, we will collect and store your personal data in principle only insofar as it is necessary for providing the services or carrying out the contract. This may be required to disclose your personal information to companies that we use to provide the service or to contract. These are, for example, transportation companies or other service services.

After complete contract management your data will be blocked and deleted after expiration of the tax and commercial law, unless you have expressly consented to going beyond data use.

If you have registered your email address for our newsletter, we use your e-mail address via the contract execution also for our own advertising purposes until you unsubscribe from the newsletter reference.


Data collection through the use of Google Analytics

Our website DOES NOT uses Google Analytics. Of course, you can view our websites without cookies. If you do not want us to recognize your computer, you can prevent cookies from being saved on your hard drive by selecting in your browser settings "Block All Cookies". How this works in detail, please refer to your browser manufacturer's instructions. If you do not accept cookies, this may affect the function of our site.

You can prevent (browser) the installation of cookies by changing the settings of your Internet use program. You must turn off the storing of cookies in your internet browser. For more information, please take the user instructions of your internet browser.


Collection and storage of usage data

Collect to optimize our website and we store data, such as time and date of a page view , the page from which you have accessed our site, and the like , unless you object to this data collection and storage . This is done anonymously , without identifying the user of the site personally . If necessary . User profiles are created using a pseudonym . Here, too, there is no link between the natural persons behind the pseudonym collected with the use of data collection and storage of usage data , we also use cookies . These are small text files that are stored on your computer for storing statistical information such as operating system , your internet usage program (browser) , IP address , the website previously called ( referrer URL) and time used . These data are collected exclusively for statistical purposes in order to further optimize our website and make our services even more attractive to internet . The collection and storage exclusively in anonymous or pseudonymous form and is not an indication for you to be natural person.


Assigned Data Use

We adhere to the principle of earmarked data usage and collect, process and store your personal data only for the purposes for which you have given us. A transfer of your personal data to third parties without your express consent, unless this is necessary to provide the service or to contract. The communication of this information to state institutions and authorities if we are required by a court decision to provide information only within the scope of the statutory information obligations or.

Also the company's internal policy we take very seriously. Our employees and service providers engaged by us are sworn to secrecy and to comply with data protection regulations.


Information and right of withdrawal

You receive at any time without notice for any reason free information about your stored data. You can always lock your data we have collected , correct or delete and object to the anonymous or pseudonymous data collection and storage for optimization of our website. Also you can at any time revoke the consent to us collecting and using data without giving reasons. Contact . Purpose to please the contact address given in the imprint We are at your disposal at any time for further questions regarding our privacy statement and processing of your personal data.

They note that data protection rules and manipulations on data protection , such as Google, can change constantly . It is therefore advisable and necessary to keep it informed about changes in the law and practice of companies , such as Google.


This privacy statement is available on the website for free and used with thanks. Author's lawyer Dr. Bernd v. Nieding - And is supported by the attorney, lawyer and notary search page in Internet

Zertifikate Download

Wir sind seit 2002 zertifiziert nach ISO 9001, seit 2015 nach DIN EN 9100 Luft- und Raumfahrt, Verteidigung:



Zertifikat EN9100 [176.2KB/pdf]



Lackierzentrum Reichenbach GmbH
Zwickauer Straße 225
08468 Reichenbach
Tel: 03765 / 3090 850
Fax: 03765 / 3090 860


Sara Grasnick - CEO

Zertifiziert nach DIN EN 9100:2018

(Luft- und Raumfahrt)
OASIS-Nr./ OIN: 6129119847
Zertifikat [176.2KB/pdf]